14 February 2012

Two Reasons Why People Might Dislike You

When people do not like you, they ignore you, disagree with you or attack you.
So to make people like you, you might take extra showers, use a better mouth wash and buy new clothes. You might get a new haircut, buy colored contact lenses and try a different deodorant. Yet they still do not like you.
Even when you tell them how important or popular you are, they still do not like you. Why?
Possible Reason #1
"Asserting one's own importance is about as acceptable as a dead cat at a wedding." -- L. Ron Hubbard
For example, do you know someone who constantly tells you how important he or she is? Do you admire and respect this person?
To be more successful, you can use this idea in reverse. When you make people feel important, they feel good and want to be around you. Most people are more cooperative when they believe you have a high opinion of them.

12 February 2012

How Your Negative Emotions Ruin Your Productivity

When the elderly sales manager of ABC Autos retired, car sales dropped in half. The salespeople were making less money. Pete, the new sales manager, was yelling at the salespeople to do better, but with no improvement. The company owner, Mr. Christopher, was getting desperate.
Mr. Christopher sat down with the sales manager and said, "Pete, you've got to quit yelling at the salespeople. Our old sales manager never yelled. Please give it a try."
Pete said, "Where I come from, if you don't yell, you don't get sales. Fire me if you want, but I'm gonna yell."
Mr. Christopher said, "Okay, I don't care what you do, just get the sales numbers back up this week."
So Pete held a sales meeting and screamed, "IF YOU DON'T MAKE AT LEAST ONE SALE THIS WEEK, YOU ARE FIRED!"